About Etsy

Etsy is the leading online marketplace for one-of-a-kind, handmade and vintage items. Etsy takes pride in being a global marketplace that offers a home to special, extraordinary and unique items. This marketplace seeks to sustain the human touch element in business and commerce, following the tradition of open craft fairs and giving sellers personal storefronts where they list their goods for a small fee.

What to sell

Etsy has certain rules and regulations about the items you can sell on this marketplace. In short, you can sell items that belong to either one of these categories:

  • handmade (made by yourself or in collaboration with a production partner; reselling handmade items is not allowed)
  • craft supplies
  • vintage items (must be older than 20 years)

Please make sure that you familiarize yourself with items that are prohibited on Etsy.

Seelling fees

There are three types of Etsy fees that you might need to bay when selling an item: on top of listing fees (£0.14), there are transaction fees, processing and optional Ads fees. This guide will help you understand how the fee system on Etsy works. You can also check out the official Etsy Fees & Payments policy here.

Tips and tricks

Sounds confusing? We’ve searched for some useful articles that will help you understand Etsy selling processes. Have a look below:

Getting started on Etsy

Etsy fee calculator

Etsy SEO hacks

Key facts

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Frequently asked questions

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