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Where to Sell Vintage Dishes?

Reselling vintage items online has been a thing since the early days of the Internet. However, in recent years, the market has skyrocketed. Looking to get in on the action? Have some fine china lying around collecting dust? You're probably wondering where to sell vintage dishes. Here are a couple of online selling platforms that should be on your radar. 

A lot of different dishes in the cabinet
Selling and buying vintage dishes has never been more popular

Etsy Was Specifically Created for All Things Vintage

For a wide range of vintage things, including dinnerware, Etsy is the go-to international platform. Some of the best-selling items here are exactly what you're offering, so it shouldn't be difficult to get the ball rolling on your Etsy shop

That being said, this platform has some specific rules on what can be featured. For example, to be considered vintage, the dinnerware has to be at least 20 years old. Also, on top of the £0.14 listing fees, there are other fees on Etsy you should be aware of as a reseller. But once you get through all that, selling on Etsy is well worth the trouble. 

Here's How to Create a Successful Etsy Shop

When you're just starting, pricing competitively is very important. If you've got a dish set that you want to put up at a high price, maybe hold off on that for the time being so you can expand your client base first. Whatever you're offering on your Etsy shop, make sure to promote it on social media as well, and you can always try out a cross-posting app to efficiently manage your listings across various platforms. 

A person packing dishes in packing paper
If you've got true vintage gems, Etsy is the perfect place to resell them

eBay Has a Booming Kitchen & Dining Category

Believe it or not, eBay flies high among the best online-selling platforms in the UK. This OG marketplace is a good place to find antique and vintage items, especially in the dining category. To sell on eBay, you've got the traditional bidding system or the buy-it-now options for immediate purchases. 

A lot of resellers have started on eBay because it has low fees, meaning you'll probably make a profit a lot sooner than on some other platforms. It's also a great place to help you figure out the pricing, as you can look at what similar items are going for. To get you started, here's a helpful video with everything you need to know: 

Shopify Is Another Great Place for Selling Vintage Dishes Online

When it comes to selling goods online, opening up a Shopify store brings plenty of versatility to the table. By choosing from more than 80 customizable themes and templates, you can create unique aesthetics for your brand. There are also a lot of options for selling with Shopify, where you can, for example, get more traffic with incentives like discount codes and free shipping. 

Shopify is a subscription-based platform, but what you get in return is all that versatility and professional tools to run your business. Moreover, they offer great resources, from in-depth courses on Shopify Academy to numerous forums you can use to exchange insights with other resellers. 

Facebook Marketplace Offers a Straightforward Way to Sell Your Items

According to Business Dasher, there are over 1.1 billion users on Facebook Marketplace. Among this huge crowd, there are bound to be some people looking for a new dish set with that added vintage charm. Facebook Marketplace is super easy to use. You set up a special page on the platform, your commerce profile, and potential buyers can follow you to get notified when there's something new. 

Commerce profiles have ratings, which add transparency to the whole ordeal and help establish you as a reliable seller on the platform. Best of all, the Facebook Marketplace platform is free to use, with no setting up or listing fees. There is a 5% fee on every sold item, though, but that's about it!

A phone with Facebook Marketplace opened on it
Facebook is not just for scrolling - it's for selling, too!

Vinted Can Help You Sell More Than Just Clothes

Vinted might have made a name for itself as a platform for reselling vintage clothing, but the truth is, it does much more than that. Electronics, entertainment goods, beauty products, and home decor, including your stylish dishes, can be sold on Vinted. You just need to download the app, take a couple of pictures, add a description, and voilà - your listings are ready to be posted. 

Now You Know Where to Sell Vintage Dishes - But How Should You Go About It?

Here's the golden rule for becoming a reseller - diversify your efforts. That way, if one of the platforms fails to perform, you can always rely on another. Now, managing listings on multiple marketplaces can be a pretty complex task, and not just because you have to set them all up. You've got to make sure what you're offering matches across all platforms to avoid any mishaps, and for this, cross-listing software is the most crucial of all online selling tools. 

A happy girl sitting in a blue armchair and using a laptop
A versatile approach pays off in the long run

Branching Out With the Zipsale Cross-Posting Software Should Be Your Next Move

Once you pick out the platforms you'll be using to sell your vintage dishes online, the next best move is to sign up for a multichannel listing software. In this department, Zipsale is the end-all, be-all. You will be able to easily track all of your offers and rest easy knowing that they match across all platforms. It's the first step towards establishing a business that runs as smoothly as a well-oiled machine!

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