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How to Put an Item on Sale on Depop?

Listing products on any online marketplace platform can be time-consuming and dull. You have to price the product properly, describe it accurately, as well as inform the buyers about delivery options and shipping costs. However, if you'd like to know how to put an item on sale on Depop with ease, follow our instructions in this guide. There are ways you can quickly list any product and get hundreds of followers in no time. Here's how to do it.

Seamstress taking a photo of a box
If you'd like to have an online selling business, learn all the hacks to boost your sales

First and Foremost, Take Clear and Well-Lit Pictures of the Item You Will Be Selling

You cannot create a listing without first photographing your items. If you are reselling vintage clothing, make sure that everything is washed and ironed before taking a picture. The great idea is to photograph yourself while wearing the pants and shirt you'll sell.

Carefully search for a place where the pictures will be taken. Good lighting will accentuate the best qualities of the items. You can take photos next to a window or even have a photoshoot outside in the natural light. Another option is to take a picture of the items in front of vibrantly painted walls.

Person holding a camera
Showcase your products as attractive and neat even though they are not new

Before You Learn How to Put an Item on Sale on Depop, Log Into Your Depop Account

So, what do you have to know about how Depop works? There are two ways you can post your listings and get sales on Depop - either via the application or the website. You can choose the method you feel is the easiest for you. 

If you want to post your listings via the application, you will have to open the app on your phone, log in and then type in your email address and password. After this, you can access the account.

In case you'd like to use the Depop website, click on the log-in option in the top right corner, enter your email address and password, and log into the account.

However, if you still need to create an account and start your online shop, this informative video will help you on your path to success.

Here's How to Put an Item for Sale If You Use the Depop App? Sign In, Price the Items, and Post Featured Images

The majority of users place their clothing, toys, books, kitchenware, shoes, and accessories up on sale via the application. Depop is very user-friendly and reminds me a lot of the sellers of Instagram. Here are the steps to making your items visible to potential buyers:

  • When you tap on the application, select the "Camera icon" that can be found on the home screen,
  • Next, select "Set up your shop,"
  • Put a logo or a photograph that will represent your brand,
  • The following step is to "Click on "Next,"
  • Add a link to a social media account you use,
  • Again click on "Next,"
  • Type in the billing address, your first and last name,
  • Tap on "Next,"
  • Click on the icon in the shape of a camera once again,
  • Now add the details of your listing, such as four photographs, one video, a description, shipping information, five hashtags, and the price of your item. Don't forget to factor in the average platform's fees when pricing the items.
  • When everything is ready, just click on "Post listing" and it will appear on your Depop store.

How to Put an Item for Sale Using a Depop Website? Prepare Your Product For Being Sold

Once you have logged into your account on the website, find the option "Sell," which should appear on the top right side of the screen. The method is the same as with the application - simply add a detailed description, photos, video, price, and shipping information. Don't forget to explain everything about the product, including its flaws which numerous followers on the platform will greatly appreciate.

Woman in a jacket taking a photo
The process of selling over the website is very similar to the application

How Can You Create Bundles on Depop? Get More Items Sold Fast

A great way to create a successful e-commerce business is to offer your customers on an online selling platform like Depop the option to purchase a couple of products from a single transaction. This is called - bundling up your products.

To create bundles, simply go to the settings on your account and search for the "Bundle" option. Turn it on so that the buyers can select a couple of listings and purchase them at the same time. Free shipping is available on Bundles; however, it depends on the sellers whether the products would be sold in this way.

Photo of iPhone on shirt near sunglasses
Sometimes, offering bundles would get you more followers and interested customers

Keep In Mind That Interaction With Customers Will Get You More Sales

Simply posting a listing won't get you sales on Depop right away. If you prove to be a reputable and reliable seller by responding to DMs and comments, the customers will trust you enough to purchase your goods. 

A good thing to remember is that you should always have your account opened on the phone so that when you get notified, you see the message right away. If you are quick to respond, the customer won't be quick to lose interest.

Woman using a smartphone in a park
A crossposting app would help you respond to notifications quickly if you have more stores

Do You Want to Put a Listing on Sale on Depop, Vinted, Shopify, and eBay at the Same Time? Choose a Crossposting Tool

Multichannel listing software is one of the essential online selling tools if you want to save time when it comes to posting listings. You can publish whatever you like on multiple platforms with just a few clicks. 

For instance, you will be free to control your Depop store and Vinted or Shopify store from one place with crossposting software. Then, you can forget about logging into each multi-vendor marketplace platform separately and creating new listings. 

Also, cross-listing software will make sure that you are consistent across all platforms, which will help you reinforce your brand. The best selling software which would increase the profit of any seller is Zipsale. Find out everything about this awesome software for selling online on our website.

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